Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy 31st Birthday, Khara!!


Happy 4th Anniversary, Tim and Khara!!

Love you guys and hope you have a great day!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

{Serving Size: 1 Potato per...}

Dad dug up some of the potatoes in the garden and they are HUGE!!
This picture doesn't even begin to show how big these things are!!
Like two softballs put together!  
I made potato salad on Saturday, and I only used 2 potatoes and got 8 cups of cubed potatoes!
And I was taking that to a potluck dinner, otherwise it would take us days to eat that much!!!
Some of the potatoes are hollow inside and bad, but some of them (like this one) are just fine!!!
That's a home-grown potato! 
Pappy would be proud!  

Monday, September 9, 2013