September 14th turned out to be a VERY busy day!
A neighbor had some trees cut down that he allowed us to cut up for some much needed firewood, and the sweet corn was ready to freeze.
We had some help from the King boys. Michael helped Tim with the wood.
Katrina, Kaleb, Kaitlyn, and Philip husked the corn.
The girls and I worked on the corn while the guys worked on the firewood.

After the corn was finished, Katrina and I helped with the racking / clean up.
From nearly empty to this in one day! We finished the rest Monday evening and added almost another two rows.
Kaleb and Philip loaded, unloaded, and stacked the wood - load after load after load!
When we stopped to eat pizza around 9:00pm, everyone was almost too tired to eat. :)
We were grateful for all the work that was accomplished that day, and for the store of
corn in the freezer and firewood for the winter!!
~ Posted by Cindy