Wednesday, June 13, 2012

{Visit with Ava}

Well, our week with Ava is over :( but it was such an awesome week! It was really busy, but we had a great time with her. Ashley came up Friday night and we enjoyed our visit with her as well. They left to go back to Virginia Sunday afternoon, so now we're all sadly wondering around, trying to get used to having a quiet house again!! Little voices are such a blessing in a house!!!

Here are some pictures of our week with her! I ended up having lots of other kids as well, so everyday, there was at least one other child for Ava to play with, if not two or three other kids!!!!! The kids I babysit, Paizley, Blake, Madison and Nick all loved Ava! She was so sweet to all of them and they all played together so well! We all miss her and already can't wait for the next visit!!

I think the favorite was definitely the trampoline all week!

Driving her "kid" to the store!!!!

More belated birthday time!!!

Ava wanted her hair braided every day and Paizley wanted to look just like Ava!!

She LOVED helping me cook dinner and set the table every night!!

Nick and Ava filling the pool with some VERY cold water, but they didn't care one bit!!

After nap time every day, she would say "I took a really good nap. That means I get a Popsicle!"

Trina and Ava playing with squirt guns.

Ready for church. She loved going to church. After we got back on Sunday night, she asked when we could go back to church. After church on Wednesday night, she said "I want to stay at church forever"!! She is  friends with all the little girls there now, and she always looks forward to seeing them!

Playing in the sand box

"watering" the flowers

 Riding "horses"!!!

Playing in the pool

Helping to set the table

Such good eaters!

Obviously this is not Ava, but I just had to post the picture of my adorable, little Blake!!!
He's so sweet! Ava just loved him and he absolutely adored her!

Working on their "flips"

(Sorry the pictures aren't in any sort of order!!! We took so many picture using a couple different cameras, so I was having trouble sorting them all!!)

We love you SO much Ava,
and we already miss you!!!

Thank you SO much for allowing us to have time to spend with Ava!
You have no idea how much it means to us to be able to have a part in her life!
We so enjoyed our visit with you as well! Thanks for coming....come back soon!!


Ashley said...

Ahhhh! All the pictures are soooo cute :) I really like her "driving her kid to the store" lol. Thanks for taking the time to post this and for having her over the whole week :)

Karissa Brazeal said...

It was SO funny...she always reffered to her baby as "her kid"!! Thanks again for letting us have her!!!