Sunday, April 10, 2016

Yes!!! We're still a live!!!!!

Hey Everyone!
Sorry for the EXTREME lack of posting lately. 
Okay, not lately.....more like for the past 10+ months! 

There is no excuse about life being crazy, because well, life is always crazy!!
That has not changed, and will not change, 
but it's a different kind of crazy, I guess you could say!
A new level that we are, ummmmm, new to!!

A lot has happened for all of us since January 2015, and an update on everyone is definitely in order! However, I am going to be passing that baton over to Kaitlyn and Katrina.
They will be taking care of 99% of the posts on the blog from now on and doing a much better job than I ever did, I'm sure!!
So please bare with us as we go through this transition!

That being said, I have been commissioned to write my own update, to start things out!
Well, that's going to be a looooong story, so I will make it a separate post!
But, stay tuned, because:

COMING UP NEXT... story!


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