Friday, August 31, 2012

{Riley Reunion}

Saturday, August 11, 2012 the Riley Reunion was hosted by Doug & Terry Riley,
at their Pleasant Valley home.  This was our last family reunion of the season.

Nancy Fike, Gladys Paugh, Aunt Eileen and Uncle Melvin Custer, Glen Custer, and Dale Fike

Katy Riley and Amy playing Bananagram

Sisters-in-law: Aunt Helen Friend & Aunt Peggy Riley

Uncle Melvin and Judy Moore

Aunt Peggy

Teresa Chapman, Terry Riley, Linda Ford

Karissa, Tim, Kaitlyn, Aunt Helen and Glen Custer
Doug and Terry are great hosts!!!  We appreciate all the work they put into this reunion every year.

My Dad's sisters:  Ada Jane VanHorne, Helen Friend, and Eileen Custer

Uncle Bruce VanHorne

Another pair of sisters:  Nancy Fike and Gladys Paugh

Katrina looks forward to riding Doug's horses every year!!!!!!

Doug, Alli & her son, Blake

The pinata is an another annual tradition.....(Kaleb, Andrew, Katrina, Nathan, and Doug)

and Doug has the most fun of all!!!

Kaleb swung at it............and Doug jerked it away in the nick of time. :)

Melvin Custer, Nancy Fike, Doug Riley, Eileen Custer, & Gladys Paugh

What a blessing to have a time to visit and laugh together.


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